What Mark had to say and what Marko will say...

There are only two forces that can carry light to all the corners of the globe... the sun in the heavens and the Associated Press down here.

Mark Twain
(1835-1910) U.S. humorist, writer, and lecturer.

nedelja, 14. marec 2010

Media & Chomsky

Today I was looking through blogs of my fellow mates in New Media & Society course and I read Jernejs post on a new book that just recently came out: Hanging Out, Messing Around, and Geeking Out: Kids Living and Learning with New Media. He still hasn't read it all yet, but he believes that this book will prove to be a valuable source of knowledge for anyone interested in social media, kids living with media and online identity construction.

While reading this post, I started to think, which was the book that striked and reshaped my image on media situation in todays world. Simply written, short, but effective - Media Control by Noah Chomsky.

Why this one? This book can be read within 45 minutes and not only gives real-life examples of modern propaganda uses and successes, but also gives a brief history of its use in the United States - and the modern media was born in the USA, at least in some ways. But in which, you may ask? Well, let me demonstrate you - one of the amature reviewers at amazon.co.uk wrote next lines..."Speaking for myself, I get sick when I hear "CNN, The Most Trusted News," and watch Fox and every other mind-melted American media. I have to admit, I also get nauseated (literally) in just the sight of G.W. Bush or any of his administration attempting to tell the "truth." (the review it's old, but the same thing would be, if we would just change the name og George Bush with Barak Obama's). And what's even more disturbing are the supporter's; Blind and angry fighters with bias moral slants and empty slogans. On the other hand, PBS and Comedy Central are refreshing alternative exceptions to all of these deceptions."

Chomsky examines how propaganda can be just as effective in a free society as in a totalitarian society, citing multiple examples of the American people being misled and the irresponsible complicity of the media establishment dating back to the days of Wilson. There is something that affects the media and understands media as a source of power. If you haven't read the book yet, check it out.

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