What Mark had to say and what Marko will say...

There are only two forces that can carry light to all the corners of the globe... the sun in the heavens and the Associated Press down here.

Mark Twain
(1835-1910) U.S. humorist, writer, and lecturer.

nedelja, 18. april 2010

Possibilites of Second Life - Virtual Romance

We know main definition of Second Life. Marina and me wrote down next lines (as a part of our assignment) -

Second Life broke out with other contemporary technologies. It provides a possibility to experience an alternative life in a specially created virtual world – in times, when globalization blurred geographical borders, Second Life was faced with an enormous success. People started to change their behaviour in a social matter and are transferring their lives to a virtual environment, which became physical in one way. Some are using virtual worlds to search for their partners, others are there for entertainment and business – everyone is motivated differently, but main goal of Second Life remains one: to be used as a communication tool and not as a true second life.

Let us put educational aspects of Second Life beside us for a second and focus on other possibilities in Second Life - the possibilities of everday's, real life. If you could have a chance to start your life over, would you? What if you could live all your dreams to the fullest without limitation? There is a virtual chat reality that can allow you to experience much of what you are too afraid to experience in “real” life.

Some of the things that work best in SL are music, both live and recorded, dancing (any style you can imagine), relationships (both voice chat and typed), sexual encounters(as real as your imagination), education, lectures, and even movies. A brief comment on Second Life sex, you are meeting actual people and interacting with them in ways you probably would not do in first life, so just be careful and courteous. Most behavior in Second Life is mature, but like real life sometimes it gets out of hand. Unlike real life nothing can harm you here, it is like practice. Use Second Life as a way of extending the possibilities in your life and experiencing things you have been curious about but could not do in real life.

In Second Life you can have relationships you never thought possible and experience feelings you did not know you even had! Another word of caution here, it may appear that your 1L and SL are separate but I can assure you that they are not. Everything is connected in some way which can be both good and bad. If you do something in Second Life to hurt another person(emotionally) then the ramifications are both in real life and Second Life. It works the other way too, if you meet someone special and you get to know this person well, romance in Second Life will affect your real life. You can be partnered in Second Life to one person and married to someone else in real life, or it can be the same person or no one. The intentions you go in with will determine your experience - the possibilities are endless!

But here is the question - would you prefer something that is not real or would you prefer something real in you real life? Yes, of course, the possibilities in real life are limnited, but they are still real - feelings and connections between two persons are something that can't be replaced.

3 komentarji:

  1. I wouldn’t agree that real life experiences and feelings could be equated with the on-line (virtual) ones. One can indeed meet someone on-line and develop relationship with him/her but excluding the dimension of physical contact that is by my opinion the most important one. Being able to feel, touch and see someone in person and therefore see his/her reactions is completely different experience for people to communicate and operate between each other. This stands for personal life experiences of course. But in academia, second life and other virtual tools that encourage people to interact, extend knowledge and experiences is at most welcome even when keeping in mind that there is physical contact dimension missing. Every new type of media that connects people who would, in their real life, probably never meet, helps to promote cooperation and enriches the development of our society.

  2. I have to say that I’m kind of old-fashioned and cannot equate the real life relationships, feelings and connections with the virtual ones. It is simply impossible; virtual relationships, for me, can be just a substitution of real ones – you can make use of them whenever the physical contact in not possible. But for the real and full commitment there has to be physical contact and presence, and the virtual connections, conversations and visualization is sure not enough. You have to see partners reactions, expressions, feelings, you have to be in contact mentally and physically. You have to hug, kiss and touch a person, the virtual connection can be then, when this condition is completed, a way to stay in touch, to deepen the relationship between the two lovers.
    I know that nowadays people have virtual relationships, but I believe that they have in mind, that one day they should meet in person and upgrade their virtual relationship to the real and fully committed one. I cannot imagine that somebody wants to have a virtual partner for whole life, a partner that he has never seen in person that he has never touched and never kissed. That is simply not a love relationship for me.

  3. Yes, I also agree with Tom and Marina. Real relationship could not be virtual ones. It is just not the same. Although I think that Second Life is great space for making fantasies come true. And I think that users are aware of this. So SL is for them hedonistic place without limits. But do users really use SL for online relationships? I would say not really just fot this purpose, because there are so many others websites (like dating ones) that offers possibility of online relationship. But anyway online relationship can be just the beginning of the real ones or no relationship at all.
